VPN vs. Proxy: Making the Right Choice for Cybersecurity

a blue themed background with world icon with VPN written on it

Cybersecurity measures continue to rise to be the need of the hour. From individuals to corporations, the need for secure online connections is crucial for safe web browsing or handling of sensitive information.

VPNs and Proxy servers are the tools used to achieve the goal of cybersecurity. It helps provide untraceable connections for online activity. The pressing question, however, is, how to identify a cybersecurity preference based on personal requirements.

What exactly is a VPN?

a digital tunnel symbolizing secure, encrypted internet connectivity, with data packets traveling safely within it

An encrypted Virtual Private Network (VPN) means services whose entirety connection is secure. It is a service that helps one to anonymously browse as well as keep their digital footprints from being seen by others so that their information is protected. Your internet traffic may be encrypted, your IP address hidden, and it becomes nearly impossible for anybody to follow your online behavior when you put on a VPN mask.

Corporate VPN

For companies to ensure that their employees can safely access their corporate’s internal networks anywhere anytime, a tailored Corporate VPN is used. By keeping potential hacking threats at bay thus guarding against any form of cracking, Corporate VPNs shield the organization’s confidential details.

Individual VPN

For individuals who like using the internet privately and maintain anonymity while browsing, personal VPNs are the best.

What is a Proxy Server?

A picture showing proxy server with purple background

A proxy server connects to your internet and acts as a mediator between the internet connection and the web. On your behalf, it conceals your IP address and manages your web requests for you once you connect to it. Proxy servers are used for different reasons, such as to access restricted content by location or to control how much someone in a particular network can access the internet.

Forward Proxy

A Forward Proxy is an interface between a client (such as your computer) and the wider internet. It can filter requests, restrict access to specific websites, and temporarily store content to enhance performance.

Transparent Proxy

A Transparent Proxy is one a user might not even be aware of. It intercepts web requests without requiring any configuration on the user’s device. Organizations commonly use this proxy type to monitor employee activity or enforce internet usage policies.

Anonymous Proxy

An Anonymous Proxy conceals your IP address while indicating that you use a proxy. It offers a fundamental level of anonymity.

High Anonymity Proxy

Termed as an Elite Proxy, a High Anonymity Proxy conceals your IP address and masks any indication of proxy usage entirely. This category offers the utmost level of privacy.

Distorting Proxy

As suggested by the name, Distorting Proxy distorts your IP address. It hides your IP address and gives you another fake one that tricks the website into assuming you are located somewhere else.

Data Center Proxy

A Data Center Proxy originates from a data center rather than a residential ISP. It is usually faster and cheaper but can be easily identified as a proxy by some websites.

Residential Proxy

This type of Proxy uses an IP address provided by an ISP making the requester appear like they are requesting from an actual residential location. They are proxies with lesser chances of being targeted by websites.

Public Proxy

Public Proxies are free and accessible to all but amid that, they pose a serious threat to your cybersecurity as it can be trafficked through a public system and would be the hotspot for the prying eyes of a hacker.

Shared Proxy

A Shared Proxy is used by multiple clients simultaneously. While it can be cost-effective, it may suffer from slow speeds due to traffic congestion.

SSL Proxy

The SSL Proxy is also known as the HTTPS proxy that adds additional encryption to the connection making secure browsing possible on HTTPS websites.

VPN vs. Proxy

VPN vs Proxy

There is a dual functionality of VPNs and proxy servers in protecting your online security and privacy that, however, stems from different mechanisms. So, below is a comparison to help you decide on which to go for:

CriteriaVPNProxy Server
SecurityEncrypts your internet traffic, offering robust security and preventing hackers or ISPs from snooping.Typically, it does not encrypt data, making it less secure.
AnonymityHides your IP address and encrypts your data, ensuring full anonymity.Hides your IP address but may reveal that you’re using a proxy.
SpeedMay slightly reduce your connection speed because of encryption.Can be faster than VPNs as it typically lacks encryption.
Bypassing Geo-restrictionsWith its ability to change your IP address coupled with encrypted data, it becomes perfect for access to geo-restricted content.Effective for accessing restricted content but may be blocked by some websites.
CostUsually, it requires a subscription fee but provides comprehensive protection.Free proxies are available, but they can compromise security. Paid proxies offer better performance.
Use Case ScenariosBest for individuals and companies needing complete security and privacy, such as secure file sharing, accessing corporate networks, and bypassing censorship.This tool becomes extremely handy sometimes when dealing with tasks like scraping websites or accessing various restricted locations online.

What Should You Use: A VPN vs. Proxy Server?

When choosing between a VPN and a Proxy Server, consider the following:

  1. Security Needs: Opt for a VPN if you are more concerned about top-notch security as it encrypts end to end.
  2. Anonymity Level: A VPN provides more anonymity than most proxies.
  3. Budget: Proxies can be cheaper, but the free ones may compromise security.
  4. Usage: A VPN is the way to go if you need device-wide protection. A proxy might suffice for targeted tasks like web scraping.

How Can PureVPN White Label (PureWL) Help?

PureVPN’s White Label Solution, PureWL, allows businesses to provide their clients secure and private internet access under their brand name. Here’s how PureWL stands out:

  1. Custom Branding: Tailor the VPN service to fit your brand identity, providing a seamless customer experience.
  2. Robust Security: PureWL provides AES-256 encryption and a strict no-log policy to ensure your client’s data is safe.
  3. An expanded global network: Get worldwide admittance to over seventy-eight countries with six thousand five hundred servers via a decentralized serving system provided by PureWL.
  4. Dedicated Support: Round-the-clock customer care services help ensure that your business does not stop running at any time of the day. It is required to have 24/7 technical support for your service to move efficiently.
  5. Scalability: PureWL’s solution is designed to grow your business, allowing you to expand your client base without compromising quality.

Entrepreneurial Advantages

  • Revenue Growth: Increase profits for your business by presenting a white-label VPN service.
  • Customer Loyalty: Provide your clients with a trusted, secure service that keeps them returning.
  • Market Differentiation: Stand out from competitors by offering a comprehensive cybersecurity solution.

PureWL provides an all-in-one solution for businesses offering their branded VPN service without the technical overhead.


VPN and Proxy servers usually offer different kinds of protection, depending on what you need. Both could be good protection mechanisms but typically the VPN is more encompassing in terms of what it can do because of how it encrypts stuff and also its general span across the world.